Mac OS X comes with great and powerful tools pre-installed. The scenario is simple: you have coded your app and designed a great logo for it. How you create the OS X icon for your app? The answer is: very easily. First of all open the logo in illustrator if it is .eps file or … Continue reading How to: Create an icon for your app in Mac OS X
Category: Web 2.0
Introducing Typpz mobile edition
I released (thanks to Mint for that) that around 1% of Typpz visitors view the blog using their iPhone and Mobile Safari. As with almost every site that is not optimized for viewing on cell phones, viewing from an iPhone means zooming in and out the parts of the page you want to read. To … Continue reading Introducing Typpz mobile edition
How to: Create iPhone webclip icons
If you have an iPhone, you will probably have came across webclip icons. Webclip icons are the icons that apear on your iphone homescreen when you bookmark a web site. It is very easy to create a webclip for your own web site. Let's see how: Create a 57x57 png icon with your logo or … Continue reading How to: Create iPhone webclip icons
My Podcast top ten
Most of you have sometime listened to a podcast. If you do not know what a podcast is, wikipedia explains it in well written way. Most of the podcasts I listen to are technology-oriented. They cover a wide variety of technology topics though, from MS Windows to Mac or general tech topics like security or … Continue reading My Podcast top ten
Firefox 3 is almost here with UI intergration
Firefox 3 will be released to public in a few weeks. For geek users the release candidate version is out there, ready to be downloaded. Firefox 3 will feature user interface integration, which means that Firefox theme will match your operating system theme. Below you can see some screenshots for mozilla development blog that show … Continue reading Firefox 3 is almost here with UI intergration
Packrat: The best facebook app ever
First of all, here is a fair warning: If you start playing Packrat you will probably get addicted. If you do not have a problem with that, keep reading. I have to say that I do not like facebook apps. I do not like them, because most of them offer nothing but loading my profile … Continue reading Packrat: The best facebook app ever
RSS Feed is your blog’s mirror
Every blog uses rss syndication, which means that it publishes a feed that can be "grubbed" by everyone (human or aggregator). In simple words, the feed is your blog's content, without the CSS and the style. Readers can read your posts without visiting your blog, by using feed readers (like Google Reader) or by visiting … Continue reading RSS Feed is your blog’s mirror
First thoughts: WordPress 2.5
It has been about two weeks since I upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.5. The new version (which was delayed for about one week) brings many changes, most of them in the backend (administration panel). These changes, which change the blogger's experience when he admins his blog, offer a faster, and more organized admin panel. … Continue reading First thoughts: WordPress 2.5
Mozilla Prism: First thoughts
Mozilla Prism is a project created by the Mozilla Foundation (Firefox and Thunderbird creators). Prism is dedicated to bridge Web apps with desktop apps. The project is based on Webrunner which moved to Mozilla code repository and took the name Prism. The first thing you may think is that "We have already Microsoft Silverlight and … Continue reading Mozilla Prism: First thoughts
Social networking with PHPizabi
All of us nowadays visit and participate in social sites and networks. Practically a social network is a web site where users take action and not just read content. and Facebook are perfect examples of such sites. PHPizabi is an open-source script written in PHP (like the name shows) which is aimed to help … Continue reading Social networking with PHPizabi