Fix: WordPress 2.5 and Popularity Contest plugin

Many bloggers out there (including me) use the JAW Popular Posts widget plugin, that displays the most popular post somewhere in the sidebar. This widget requires Popularity Contest plugin in order to run. The problem is that Popularity Contest does not run on WordPress 2.5 (it causes a fatal error when activated). The fix is … Continue reading Fix: WordPress 2.5 and Popularity Contest plugin

Embed the WordPress 2.3 tags in your current theme

Many users have been using the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin in their WordPress installation to have tag management in WordPress versions before the latest release 2.3. The problem is that version 2.3 does not support the UTW tags. There is an option though to import UTW tags in the built in tag system. Remember to … Continue reading Embed the WordPress 2.3 tags in your current theme

How to: Create a Web Photo gallery in 5 mins

On this guide you will learn how to create a Web Photo gallery (Flash or pure HTML) in 5 minutes using Adobe Bridge and Adobe Photoshop. No Flash knowledge is needed! Create a folder on your computer and name it as you like (here you will store your final files that need to be uploaded … Continue reading How to: Create a Web Photo gallery in 5 mins

WordPress 2.3 released

During the previous week, the new version of WordPress (2.3) was released to public. The new version provides some great features to bloggers, like tag support and update notifications. Tag support is a great add-on (which was already used with the appropriate plug-in) that helps users and web spiders-crawlers to navigate through your blog more … Continue reading WordPress 2.3 released