How to: Fix the “Base SDK missing” issue in Xcode

Sometimes after upgrading your Xcode and iPhone SDK installation you may see the alert "Base SDK missing" when you try to compile and build an old project (that was written with a previous version of Xcode and an older version of iPhone SDK). That issue is as easy to fix as performing some clicks. Let's … Continue reading How to: Fix the “Base SDK missing” issue in Xcode

How to: Create an icon for your app in Mac OS X

Mac OS X comes with great and powerful tools pre-installed. The scenario is simple: you have coded your app and designed a great logo for it. How you create the OS X icon for your app? The answer is: very easily. First of all open the logo in illustrator if it is .eps file or … Continue reading How to: Create an icon for your app in Mac OS X

How to: Enable Windows Vista sidebar when you get the message “Sidebar is managed by system administrator”

Recently I bought a Sony Vaio laptop that runs Microsoft Windows Vista. When I try to open the Vista sidebar I get an error window saying that "Windows Sidebar is managed by your system administrator". Even when I tried to run the sidebar.exe (that launches the sidebar) as administrator, I was still getting the same … Continue reading How to: Enable Windows Vista sidebar when you get the message “Sidebar is managed by system administrator”

How to: Create a Web Photo gallery in 5 mins

On this guide you will learn how to create a Web Photo gallery (Flash or pure HTML) in 5 minutes using Adobe Bridge and Adobe Photoshop. No Flash knowledge is needed! Create a folder on your computer and name it as you like (here you will store your final files that need to be uploaded … Continue reading How to: Create a Web Photo gallery in 5 mins