Retina iPad mini review

I've been using the 1st gen iPad mini for about a year now. My main issue was the display quality and recently -after iOS 7 release- its speed. When Apple released the retina iPad mini this year, I thought that they finally released the mini as it should be since last year: an iPad with the same specs as the full size iPad but with smaller -and not worse- display.

Review: Iconic Book: A Photographic Tribute to Apple Innovation

Ten days ago, I've came by Iconic Book: A Photographic Tribute to Apple Innovation” while surfing the net. First thing that crossed my mind was: "Wow that the Apple Bible". I immediately ordered my copy ($75 cost for the book plus 50$ for ship costs -I live in Greece-). Three days ago I found a note in my door, that I have a parcel waiting for me in my nearest post office. Next morning I got it. First impression? This book is much bigger than I thought it would be. It is elegant, printed in high quality paper, exactly like an Apple book should be.

Firefox 3 is almost here with UI intergration

Firefox 3 will be released to public in a few weeks. For geek users the release candidate version is out there, ready to be downloaded. Firefox 3 will feature user interface integration, which means that Firefox theme will match your operating system theme. Below you can see some screenshots for mozilla development blog that show … Continue reading Firefox 3 is almost here with UI intergration

First thoughts: WordPress 2.5

It has been about two weeks since I upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.5. The new version (which was delayed for about one week) brings many changes, most of them in the backend (administration panel). These changes, which change the blogger's experience when he admins his blog, offer a faster, and more organized admin panel. … Continue reading First thoughts: WordPress 2.5