Many users have been using the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin in their WordPress installation to have tag management in WordPress versions before the latest release 2.3. The problem is that version 2.3 does not support the UTW tags. There is an option though to import UTW tags in the built in tag system. Remember to … Continue reading Embed the WordPress 2.3 tags in your current theme
Tag: Web 2.0
Flock 1.0 is out!
In a previous post, I wrote a review about the social browser: Flock 0.9. Recently Flock reached version 1.0. The update to the final version is recommended for everyone who uses Flock. Many bugs are fixed, and many features are added: Flock 1.0 has added a "People" sidebar to support new service integration with Facebook … Continue reading Flock 1.0 is out!
Finally updated!
WordPress 2.3 is out for a while. For the past 4 months I have been using WordPress 2.1.3 for Typpz Blog. After extended back-ups (database export, contenet files etc) and plug-in deactivation, I updated the blog to WordPress 2.3.1! All plug-ins worked after reactivation, except the post listing plugin which is listed in the WordPress … Continue reading Finally updated!
How to: Create a Web Photo gallery in 5 mins
On this guide you will learn how to create a Web Photo gallery (Flash or pure HTML) in 5 minutes using Adobe Bridge and Adobe Photoshop. No Flash knowledge is needed! Create a folder on your computer and name it as you like (here you will store your final files that need to be uploaded … Continue reading How to: Create a Web Photo gallery in 5 mins
Some updates for the end user
Tracking the feedback from our users we decided to add some features on Typpz blog. From now on, under each post (in single post page), there will be a list with related posts to help you navigate through the blog. That helps also SEO optimization. Tags are also added to help you searching and finding … Continue reading Some updates for the end user
WordPress 2.3 released
During the previous week, the new version of WordPress (2.3) was released to public. The new version provides some great features to bloggers, like tag support and update notifications. Tag support is a great add-on (which was already used with the appropriate plug-in) that helps users and web spiders-crawlers to navigate through your blog more … Continue reading WordPress 2.3 released
Web 2.0 logo creation (video guide)
Here is a video edition of our Web 2.0 logo creation tutorial that you loved. Video is streamed via youtube as it is 8 mins long and would be hard for our bandwitch to have it stored in our host. The quality is not the best, but it will help you alongside with the original … Continue reading Web 2.0 logo creation (video guide)
Grab our OPML file!
OPML is an XML-based format that allows exchange of outline-structured information between applications running on different operating systems and environments. With an OPML file you are able to add multiple feeds to your favorite feed reader, without having to add each feed url seperately. Most feed readers (like RSS owl, Google Reader) allow users to … Continue reading Grab our OPML file!
Introduction to XML
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a meta-language built on SGML. XML can be used to describe data (for example database data) and can be also used for creating other markup languages. HTML was rewritten in XML and the result was XHTML. With HTML tags, users can format or style pages. With XML users can only … Continue reading Introduction to XML
Web 2.0 is here. What about Web 3.0?
As you probably know, we live in the web 2.0 time. Social websites are everywhere and users are now part of the Internet world and not just readers that read information. Now they express themselves (through blogs), they are part of social sites like digg, slashdot and so on. Broadband connections gave the ability for … Continue reading Web 2.0 is here. What about Web 3.0?