Fix: WordPress 2.5 and Popularity Contest plugin

Many bloggers out there (including me) use the JAW Popular Posts widget plugin, that displays the most popular post somewhere in the sidebar. This widget requires Popularity Contest plugin in order to run. The problem is that Popularity Contest does not run on WordPress 2.5 (it causes a fatal error when activated). The fix is … Continue reading Fix: WordPress 2.5 and Popularity Contest plugin

First thoughts: WordPress 2.5

It has been about two weeks since I upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.5. The new version (which was delayed for about one week) brings many changes, most of them in the backend (administration panel). These changes, which change the blogger's experience when he admins his blog, offer a faster, and more organized admin panel. … Continue reading First thoughts: WordPress 2.5

Downtime due to WordPress update

Sorry for the little downtime (around 40 minutes), but I updated Typpz blog to WordPress 2.3.2! This update fixes a critical security bug and adds the ability to create a custom db error page that will apear if WordPress cannot connect to you database instead of the classic WordPress db error page. The official announcement … Continue reading Downtime due to WordPress update

Embed the WordPress 2.3 tags in your current theme

Many users have been using the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin in their WordPress installation to have tag management in WordPress versions before the latest release 2.3. The problem is that version 2.3 does not support the UTW tags. There is an option though to import UTW tags in the built in tag system. Remember to … Continue reading Embed the WordPress 2.3 tags in your current theme