Ok here is a bunch of photos I took since I got my iphone! Next to come are a review for iPhone 3G (I want to use it for two weeks so I will be able to judge the battery life better), a list of the apps I use on it and reviews for some … Continue reading iPhone photos
Tag: iphone
How to: Create iPhone webclip icons
If you have an iPhone, you will probably have came across webclip icons. Webclip icons are the icons that apear on your iphone homescreen when you bookmark a web site. It is very easy to create a webclip for your own web site. Let's see how: Create a 57x57 png icon with your logo or … Continue reading How to: Create iPhone webclip icons
Posting from iPhone
So I bought an iPhone 3G. I have installed the WordPress app from the app store, so I am writing my first post straight from my iPhone alongside with some screenshots (you can take screenshots on your iPhone by pressing the home and sleep/wake button). I will post a review for the iPhone and for … Continue reading Posting from iPhone
My Podcast top ten
Most of you have sometime listened to a podcast. If you do not know what a podcast is, wikipedia explains it in well written way. Most of the podcasts I listen to are technology-oriented. They cover a wide variety of technology topics though, from MS Windows to Mac or general tech topics like security or … Continue reading My Podcast top ten