Firefox 3 is almost here with UI intergration

Firefox 3 will be released to public in a few weeks. For geek users the release candidate version is out there, ready to be downloaded. Firefox 3 will feature user interface integration, which means that Firefox theme will match your operating system theme. Below you can see some screenshots for mozilla development blog that show … Continue reading Firefox 3 is almost here with UI intergration

Fix: WordPress 2.5 and Popularity Contest plugin

Many bloggers out there (including me) use the JAW Popular Posts widget plugin, that displays the most popular post somewhere in the sidebar. This widget requires Popularity Contest plugin in order to run. The problem is that Popularity Contest does not run on WordPress 2.5 (it causes a fatal error when activated). The fix is … Continue reading Fix: WordPress 2.5 and Popularity Contest plugin

Mozilla Prism: First thoughts

Mozilla Prism is a project created by the Mozilla Foundation (Firefox and Thunderbird creators). Prism is dedicated to bridge Web apps with desktop apps. The project is based on Webrunner which moved to Mozilla code repository and took the name Prism. The first thing you may think is that "We have already Microsoft Silverlight and … Continue reading Mozilla Prism: First thoughts

Digital Technology Expo 2007

I visited today the digital technology expo (called dte) that takes place in Athens, Greece from 8-11 November. There were many IT companies stands including Microsoft, Cisco, HTC, EA, Google and LG alongside with some famous greek companies like Otenet and OTE. Although there were many absenses from large resselers like Apple product resselers, Sony … Continue reading Digital Technology Expo 2007